

Innovation, Responsibility & Sustainability

These are the values that have paved our way from the very beginning .
We are very aware of our influence on the environment and also of our social, ecological and economic responsibility.
We therefore see it as our duty to operate as a conscientious and future-oriented company, continually redeveloping our sustainability concept - for our environment and for our employees, customers and partners.

We think and act sustainability

We believe that fighting waste in all its forms, including litter and landfill, is the driving force of a more sustainable future. We at freshdeal have the clear ambition to lead the industry on this subject.
This is why we built our entire sustainability strategy around this vision of No Waste - no product waste, no packaging waste and no operational waste. With packaging perceived as waste, its real value is often overlooked. It has a clear purpose – avoiding (food) waste and keeping products, fresh, safe and clean.
Our packaging portfolio offers a wide range of technologically advanced functionalities to protect consumer goods, keeping them safe and hygienic for the consumer and extending the period during which the product can be used.
As a manufacturer of paper and solid cardboard packaging, at freshdeal Packaging, we use natural renewable raw materials – with a correspondingly beneficial carbon footprint. After all, paper is made entirely of renewable raw materials and can be fully recycled. Thus, transported goods are packaged in an environmentally friendly way – and when it has served its purpose, the packaging can be recycled with the waste paper.

Sustainability Commitment

We are committed to living our sustainability mission every day as an essential element of our corporate culture.
We are committed to working with preferred business partners who share our sustainability values and support us to achieve our vision.
We are committed to joining forces within our industry to support our vision

Innovation Centres

FreshDeal Pack Innovation Centre (FIC) in Alexandria, Egypt, is an industry leading technical facility dedicated to research and development, product testing, training and innovation delivery.
Development team and state-of-the-art packaging lines available
Develop new packaging concepts and solutions based on market trends
Validate new packaging concepts and solutions prior to market launch
Offer pre-series packaging testing for joint projects
Packaging training programmes, both internally and for customers
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